Ports and Terminals

Brazilian Federal Authorities apprehend 549kg of cocaine in Santos

Oct, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202240

Brazil’s Federal Police (PF) and Revenue Service seized 549kg of cocaine in the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, on Tuesday, October 4. According to the agencies, the drug had been concealed in a resin cargo bound for the Port of Algeciras, Spain. Nobody was arrested.

In a note, the Federal Revenue Service added that cargo was selected for inspection based on risk analysis criteria, including non-intrusive inspection by scanning images. During the work, a sniffing dog indicated the presence of drugs.

When the narcotics were found, the Federal Police were called in to carry out the judicial procedures necessary. An investigation into the case has been launched as part of a police inquiry.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, please go to: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2022/10/04/policia-e-receita-federal-apreendem-mais-de-meia-tonelada-de-cocaina-no-porto-de-santos-sp.ghtml

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