exportações de automóveis

Brazil vehicle exports rise 20.7% in September to 28,500 units

Oct, 07, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202240

Despite the rising pace of foreign sales, automakers’ leaders are concerned about exports for a variety of reasons. The main one is the restriction on releasing import licenses in Argentina, the sector’s main market abroad. Furthermore, in Colombia, another important market, the annual tax-free quota of 50,000 units has already been met, reducing demand in that market.

In addition, the sector has faced shipping delays. According to the president of the National Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea), Márcio de Lima Leite, three ships didn’t follow the pre-established route last month.

In September, 28,500 vehicles were exported, 20.7% more than in the same month last year. This represented revenue of $767.1 million, 20.9% more than a year ago. In the year, the total sold abroad reached 363,500 vehicles, an increase of 31.2% compared to the first seven months of 2021. Total year-to-date revenue from vehicle exports in 2022 totals US$ 7.5 billion, up 37.3%.

The automobile industry has created new jobs as production, domestic sales, and exports have resumed. With 104,500 employees, automakers’ employment was 1.6% higher in September than a year ago.

Source: Valor Econômico

To read the full original article, please go to: https://valor.globo.com/empresas/noticia/2022/10/07/exportacao-de-veiculos-sobe-207percent-em-setembro-para-285-mil-unidades-diz-anfavea.ghtml

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