Porto do Itaqui cresce / Port of Itaqui grows
Ports and Terminals

Port of Itaqui tops 25.9M tonnes throughput in 2022 to date

Oct, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202241

After historic cargo throughput results in August 2022, the Port of Itaqui kept, in September, a level of cargo volume at more than 3.5 million tonnes. Last month’s volume represents an increase of 27% compared to September last year and 19.8% over what had been anticipated.

“Such results prove the sturdiness of our operations, keeping the August record volume, also signaling that we will reach the end of 2022 above last year’s throughput. These are figures that give confidence to producers in Maranhão, as well as other production hubs that we have the capacity to ship their produce,” says the president of the Port of Itaqui, Ted Lago.

From January to September, 25.9 million tonnes of cargo passed through the public port of Maranhão, 6% more than in the same period in 2021. The highlight goes to solid bulk, soybeans, corn, up 16%, and general cargo, which grew 9%. Corn saw its best performance of the year, with 1.3 million tonnes handled, and soybeans – despite the end of the harvest season – reached almost 700,000 tonnes shipped.

Year-to-date, however, soybeans continue to lead as the number one cargo in terms of operations in Itaqui, with 10.8 million tonnes and an increase of 15% over the same period in 2021. Corn grew 81%, with a volume of 3 .4 million tonnes by September, and fertilizers totaled 2.2 million tonnes this year.

See below the track record of the most exported products via the Port of Itaqui in 2021 (twelve months) and 2022 (first eight months). The data is from DataLiner.

Port of Itaqui Exports | 2021 vs 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The figures for September confirm the estimate of the manager of the Port of Itaqui (EMAP) that 2022 shall end with a throughput above 31 million tonnes of cargo, from which 15 million tonnes will account for grains (soybean, corn, and soybean meal).

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