“commoditização” do Brasil

Argentina: Agriculture Secretary proposes review of export taxes

Oct, 25, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202243

Argentina’s Secretary of Agriculture, Juan José Bahillo, invited producers to modify the collection of export taxes. Agricultural groups and provincial governors demand equal conditions between small producers and large industries.

“We have to rethink how retenciones are collected, as the current system sees small and large producers in the same way, regardless of their profitability. We all know that scale is an important factor in primary sector profitability. And the retenciones export taxes don’t take scale into account,” he said while attending the First International Corn Congress.

Minutes earlier, the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, demanded a 20% cut in bioethanol and biodiesel for his province and Entre Ríos and Santa Fé. He also criticized agricultural retentions. “This tax penalizes production,” he complained.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.canalrural.com.br/radar/secretario-da-agricultura-da-argentina-propoe-revisao-de-retencoes/

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