Ports and Terminals

Paraná ports see year-to-date and monthly increases in cargo throughput

Nov, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202245

Cargo throughput at the ports of Paranagua and Antonina grew 25% in October. Approximately 5,062,722 tonnes passed through the ports vis-a-vis 4,043,048 tonnes in October 2021. In the first ten months of the year, cargo movement increased by 2.5%. From January to October this year, the ports of Paraná had a throughput of 49,689,689 tonnes considering exports and imports. Last year, the figure did not top 48,504,072 tonnes in the same period.

The balance sheet was released by the port authority Portos do Paraná on Thursday, November 10. “We saw an increase in all segments: general cargo, liquid bulk, and solid bulk,” said the public company’s director-president, Luiz Fernando Garcia. “Exports drove the increase in all of them, with very significant increases.”

In October, exports totaled 3,132,590 tonnes – 59% more than in the same month of 2021 (with 1,975,090 tonnes). From January to October, cargo throughput increased by 8% at the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. “We have already exported almost 31 million tonnes of cargo this year,” stated Garcia.

In the first ten months of 2021, 28,261,011 tonnes were exported through the port terminals of Paraná.

SEGMENTS – The ports of Paraná stand out in terms of volume in the movement of solid bulk. In October, there were 3,074,455 tonnes, nearly 40% more than the previous year’s total of 2,212,545. Solid bulk totaled 30,885,876 tonnes over the ten-month period, a 2% increase over the 30,373,099 tonnes recorded in the same period in 2021.

In general cargo, the increase seen over the year’s first ten months was also 2%, from 11,462,593 tonnes in 2021 to 11,650,511 in 2022. In October alone, 1,210,029 tonnes of general cargo were handled in export and import operations. In the same month last year, 1,198,190 tonnes were.

The biggest growth was registered among liquid bulk: 7% more in the ten-month period: from 6,662,710 tonnes to 7,162,302 tonnes. Specifically, in October, the increase was almost 23% – from 633,106 tonnes (2021) to 778,238 tonnes (2022).

PRODUCTS – In all segments, the increases were driven by exports. Among solid bulk, the highlights are the increases in shipments of corn (512%, YTD), soybean meal (13%, YTD), and sugar (1%, YTD).

In general, loose cargo, containers (6%), and pulp (12%) positively impacted the segment’s overall result. Among liquid bulk, the accumulated volume of soybean oil shipments (38%) sustained the increase.

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