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Rabobank sees growing coffee crop in Brazil

Nov, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202245

Brazilian coffee output will grow at least 8% next year to reach 68.5 million 60-kg bags, as the agricultural powerhouse sees a recovery in its plantations after a smaller-than-expected crop this year, according to a Rabobank forecast issued on the 9th.

The upbeat estimate comes as healthy rainfall soaked coffee farms in Brazil’s main producing regions, Rabobank analyst Guilherme Morya told journalists in a webcast.

Brazil is the world’s top coffee exporter and producer, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.

See below the track record of the volume of coffee (hs codes 0900, 0901) exported from Brazil between Jan 2019 to Sep 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Brazil coffee exports | Jan 2019 – Sep 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Growing production is mostly expected for higher-end arabica beans, which account for most of the country’s coffee harvest, following lower-than-expected arabica yields this year due to adverse weather, said Morya.

He also pointed out that drier weather in December and January might affect the forecast.

Brazil’s coffee farmers are expected to produce 63.2 million bags this year, divided between 40.1 million bags of arabica and 23.1 million bags of robusta, used largely to make instant coffee blends.

Morya added that coffee exports next year are expected to reach between 42-43 million bags, up from 40 million bags this year, while domestic consumption next year is also seen growing by about 500,000 bags, or about 2% growth.

Source: Reuters

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