Exportações de suco de laranja (orange juice exports)

Brazil orange juice exports surge in 22/23

Dec, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202249

Exports of orange juice from Brazil have so far risen in the 2022/23 harvest (July to November/22). According to data from Secex (Secretary of Foreign Trade), over 474.1 thousand tonnes of orange juice were shipped abroad, up 15% compared to last year. The revenue generated was US$ 895.3 million, an increase of 35% in the same comparison frame.

See below the track record of Brazilian orange juice exports in containers, according to the DataLiner data service.

Brazil Orange Juice Exports | Jan 2019 – Oct 2022 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The improved performance is due to increased demand from the United States, which imported 92% more concentrated orange juice from Brazil during the period. The increased North American juice demand is linked to a sharp decrease in orange output in Florida as a result of greening and recent climatic hindrances (i.e., hurricanes). In turn, the European Union saw a 2% drop in purchases of the product.

Source: Agrolink

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.agrolink.com.br/noticias/exportacoes-de-suco-de-laranja-sobem-em-22-23_473817.html

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