Orange juice exports - orange juice production

Orange juice exports from Brazil fall 13% in 2018/19 season

Apr, 12, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201916

According to Brazil’s national association of citrus juice exporters, CitrusBR, the country’s year-on-year concentrated frozen orange juice exports fell by 13% to 741,042 tons in the first nine months of the 2018/19 harvest i.e. July 2018 to March 2019. The volume generated US$1.3bn in revenues, a reduction of 12% against the same period the previous season.

The European Union (EU) imported the bulk of the commodity, at 478,098 tons in the same period, down 7% year-on-year. Imports by the US declined sharply, falling 26% to 167,831 tons year-on-year.

The following DataLiner graph shows Brazil’s total orange juice export trends on a month-by-month basis:

Nevertheless, CitrusBR is hopeful the falling trend in exports will be compensated by China, which saw a 200% increase in domestic consumption over the past 15 years. However, China imported 4% less orange juice to just over 25,000 tons between July 2018 and March 2019 year-on-year.

Lastly, according to Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex) data, Brazil saw a dramatic fall in orange juice export revenues in March, down 38.6% to US$133.5m year-on-year. Revenue fell 29.1% compared to February 2019 which registered US$188.2m, according to DatamarNews.


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