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Ports and Terminals

Santos Port Authority Gains Statement of Compliance with ISPS-Code Standards

Dec, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

The Santos Port Authority (SPA) received, on Thursday, December 22, at 10 am, the Statement of Compliance (SC) with the standards of the International Ship and Port Facility Code, ISPS-Code. The SC is granted by the National Commission for Public Security in Ports, Terminals, and Waterway (Conportos) after approval of the Port Security Plan.

The Statement of Compliance is the document through which the Brazilian Government certifies that a port terminal complies with the provisions of Chapter XI-2 Solas Convention of 1974 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea – Solas) and Part A of the Code ISPS and operates in accordance with the provisions of its Public Port Security Plan approved by Conportos.

In other words, the SC is the international certification that the Port meets all security requirements, just as companies do when they are certified with ISO (quality certifications based on international standards).

Santos’ ISPS-code certification had been suspended in 2017 due to non-conformities. After rectifying all points of improvement and investing BRL 55 million, SPA sees its efforts being recompensated with the recently-received document.

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