Ports and Terminals

Brazilian port sector celebrates 8.6% growth in October

Dec, 21, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

The Brazilian port sector celebrated an 8.6% movement growth in October year-on-year. In total, Brazilian public ports had a throughput of almost 105.2 million tonnes, up 18.3%. Private terminals also experienced positive growth (+4). The sector moved over one billion tonnes of cargo year-to-date, according to the country’s National Waterway Transportation Agency report.

The public ports of Santos, Itaguaí, and Paranaguá are responsible for 55% of the national throughput – 20.5 million tonnes – growing 39.3%, 24.5%, and 26.3%, respectively. In the north of the country, the Port of Santarém, in the state of Pará, grew 98.5% in October.

As for the evolution of different navigation styles, inland navigation increased by 54.1% – a figure that conceals 5.2 million tonnes – pushed mostly by the increase in the movement of corn (+134.5%) and soybeans (+43.5%). Long-haul navigation registered a positive variation of 11%, and cabotage shrunk by 4.2%. Maritime support operations grew by 11.1%, while port support activities fell by 14.3% compared to 2021.

International market

In October, exports through Brazilian ports amounted to 62 million tonnes (+17.6%), with 75% of this cargo destined for Asia, followed by Europe (9.8%) and North America (6.9%). Imports fell 10.6% year on year, totaling 14.3 million tonnes. In this case, Asia is the origin of 33.7% of the products imported, with North America accounting for 26.3% and Europe accounting for 17.9%.


Exports and imports of agricultural industry products, including manufactured products and inputs, increased by 41.5%, totaling 23.3 million tonnes, mainly corn (+171.3%), soybeans (+18.9%), sugar (+39.5%), rice (+67.1%) and barley (+369.7%). The volume of fuels moved was 27.9 million tonnes, representing an increase of 5.7% in October.

Mineral-origin goods increased by 0.6%, totaling 38.7 million tonnes. Iron ore is the most important product for the Brazilian export basket, accounting for 33.1 million tonnes (+3.4%), followed by bauxite (-23%) and iron and steel (+2.1%).

Industrialized products (excluding agriculture-related ones) saw a 3.7% drop. However, the arrival and departure of cars, auto accessories, and tractors, for example, rose by 14.3%, 6.9%, and 19.5%, respectively. The movement of box semi-trailers was also positive (+8.9%).

Container movement – full and empty – grew by 2.7% to 1.04 million TEUs. In long-haul navigation, the increase in container transport was 9.4%, while it was 31.6% in inland navigation. Cabotage dropped by 11.2%.

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