Data show that Brazilian corn exports have decreased / exportação de milho

Corn shipments in 2022 to top 2021 volume by 111%, says Anec

Dec, 28, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202252

Brazil’s National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec) reduced its corn export estimate in December to 6.191 million tonnes from 6.579 million last week, according to the group’s report released on December 27.

The number, if confirmed, will exceed by 86% the total corn shipped to the foreign market in December last year, which was 3.321 million tonnes. Despite the downward revision, the exporters still project 43.528 million tonnes shipped in 2022, a volume 111% higher than the 20.614 million tonnes of 2021.

See below the track record of Brazil’s volume of corn (hs 1005) exported to all destinations between January 2019 and October 2022. Data is from DataLiner.

Brazilian corn exports | Jan 2019 – Oct 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

As for soybean exports, in December, Anec reduced the forecast from 1.750 million tonnes last week to 1.715 million tonnes. As for soybean meal, the projection went from 1.523 million tonnes a week ago to 1.504 million.

Based on the most recent estimates, the Anec predicts that 78.004 million tonnes of oilseed will be exported in 2022, 9.9% less than the 86.634 million tonnes exported in 2021. On the other hand, soy meal exports are expected to reach 20.552 million tonnes this year, a 21.7% increase from 16.880 million tonnes in 2021.

Anec estimates that 433,779 thousand tonnes of soybeans, 189,383 thousand tonnes of soy meal, and 1.157 million tonnes of corn were shipped from December 18 to 24. The organization anticipates exports of 404,400 tonnes of beans, 425,505 tonnes of soy meal, and 1,690 million tonnes of corn from December 25 to the 31st.

Source: Canal Rural

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