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Dairy sector, state government ally to outline export expansion plans

Jan, 06, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202301

Industry group Aliança Láctea Sul Brasileira presented, on Jan 5, a plan to stimulate the dairy sector in the state of Santa Catarina to its Secretary of Agriculture, Valdir Colatto. The state is Brazil’s fourth largest dairy producer. The strategy presented involved improvements in logistics, reduction of activity costs, and upskilling of producers.

Airton Spies, a coordinator at the industry alliance, says that the dairy sector is in a delicate situation due to the mismatch between stagnant domestic production and little competition abroad. “The only factor limiting our growth is the domestic market. We need to export,” he said. The group wants to attract more consumer markets by including powdered milk, whey powder, cheese, and butter in the export agenda.

Colatto promised that the state government will provide all the necessary support to remove the obstacles. “With the aid of our neighboring states, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, we are going to elevate the status of milk in the export agenda in the country’s south,” he said.

In Santa Catarina, milk production directly involves 70,000 families. Of this total, 24 thousand supply the product to more than 130 industrial units installed in the state.

Currently, of the fifteen Brazilian cities that produce the most milk per square kilometer, ten are in Santa Catarina: São João do Oeste, Tunápolis, Nova Erechim, Marema, Braço do Norte, Princesa, Cunhataí, Iporã do Oeste, Santa Helena, and Itapiranga.

Source: Valor Econômico

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