
Brazil’s trade balance surplus tops USD 1.7 bln in first half of January

Jan, 16, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202303

The Brazilian trade balance closed at a surplus of US$ 1.708 billion in the first two weeks of January. Such a value results from exports of US$ 11 billion and imports of US$ 9.292 billion in the fifteen-day period, informed the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (Secex/Mdic).

The daily average of exports from January until the 15th grew 16.8% over January 2022 to US$ 1.10 billion. The rise in shipments was driven by the extractive industry (18.9%), followed by agriculture (17.1%) and the manufacturing industry (16.1%).

The daily average of imports fell 1.6% in the first half of January compared to January last year to US$ 929.25 million. As a result, the extractive industry pulled back in purchases (-46.3%). On the other hand, the landing of agricultural products advanced by 24%, while the processing industry imported 5.8% more in the period.

Source: Valor Econômico

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