Ports and Terminals

Port of Salvador container terminal achieves record productivity

Jan, 17, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202303

In early January, the container terminal (Tecon) at the port of Salvador, a Wilson Sons business unit, reached a record 110 containers moved per hour (mph – loading and unloading) during the operation of the vessel Corcovado, which was berthed at the port’s new pier, named Santa Dulce dos Pobres, sanctioned by the Brazilian Navy at the end of last year. The previous record had been set in January 2018 at 102 mph. The average productivity calculated per STS-type Super Post-Panamax quay crane (ship-to-shore), with 37 movements per hour, sets up an unprecedented feat: the best performance in mph by crane ever seen in Brazil’s northeast.

Demir Lourenço, executive director of Tecon Salvador, points out that recent investments in infrastructure to increase service capacity and technological, operational, and security efficiency are responsible for placing the Bahia-based terminal among the most productive and commercially attractive in Brazil.

“The high number of container movements per hour is directly related to these investments, including the start of operations at the new pier, Santa Dulce dos Pobres, for which we acquired the most modern cranes available on the market, with a 66-meter jib and lifting capacity of 51 meters, making it possible to lift 80 tonnes at a time. These are machines similar to those used in the largest ports in the world, such as Rotterdam and Los Angeles, for example,” points out Demir in an interview with the Alô Alô Bahia media portal.

The container terminal at the Port of Salvador has a management software, Navis N4, used in terminals throughout the Americas, Asia, and Europe to optimize processes such as cargo management in the yard and on ships. The resource makes information more accessible to all terminal users and is responsible for speeding up truck reception, which currently takes 40 minutes between sorting and gate out (port exit gate).

The technological solution to the berthing queues associated with modern cranes, which are all equipped with energy regeneration systems (a technology capable of storing the energy generated during the cargo’s descent to reuse in the equipment itself), and a significant investment in upskilling – 6,000 hours of training were registered in 2022 – results in the Port of Salvador’s ever-improving operational efficiency.

Source: Alô alô Bahia

To read the original reporting, please access:: https://aloalobahia.com/notas/terminal-de-conteineres-do-porto-de-salvador-alcanca-recorde-de-produtividade-em-novo-cais

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