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Brazilian cosmetics industry announces USD 1.5 bln trade flow in 2022

Jan, 26, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202305

The international trade flow in the personal hygiene, perfumery, and cosmetics industry reached US$ 1.5 billion in 2022, up 9.4% compared to the previous year. The information comes from the Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery, and Cosmetics Industry (Abihpec).

Exports between January and December last year totaled US$ 776.5 million, up 10.9% compared to 2021. Imports, on the other hand, grew 7.6% year-on-year to US$ 741 million. As a result, the sector registered the third consecutive surplus year, valued at US$ 35.5 million. The amount represents a 206% jump compared to the surplus recorded in 2021.

See below Brazil’s exports of cosmetics (hs 33) in containers month after month from January 2019 to November 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Brazilian cosmetics exports and imports | Jan 2019 – Nov 2022 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The most exported categories of products between January and December of last year were hair products, with 23.7% of the total, followed by soaps (19.1%) and oral hygiene products, whose share was 11.6% of the total exported.

Brazil’s leading trading partner was Argentina, which received 18.7% of all exported items, followed by Mexico (11,1%), and Colombia (10.7%). According to Abihpec, outside Latin America, the highlights were the United States, Portugal, the United Arab Emirates, and the Netherlands.

The chief executive of Abihpec, João Carlos Basílio, claims that export values increased last year while the volume decreased. The main obstacles for the sector are operating costs, global inflation, and logistical issues.

Source: Valor Econômico

To read the original reporting, please see: https://valor.globo.com/empresas/noticia/2023/01/26/exportaes-e-importaes-de-cosmticos-no-brasil-movimentam-us-15-bi-em-2022-diz-associao.ghtml

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