Ports and Terminals

CMA-CGM: Port of Fortaleza’s newest biggest ally

Jan, 27, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202304

CMA-CGM, one of the maritime market giants whose vessels currently call in Pecém, decided to invest in a new alliance with the Port of Fortaleza, Mucuripe, which is managed by the public company Companhia Docas do Ceará (CDC).

The French multinational should gain an exclusive terminal for its shipments, mainly of fruits. To that end, CMA-CGM is purchasing three new, modern cranes, a multi-million dollar investment.

The company, which owns Mercosul Line, which runs cabotage operations connecting the Port of Pecém to other ports in Brazil and several countries in South America, guarantees that will be exports from Ceará to European ports.

Agrícola Famosa, the largest melon producer and exporter in the world, with production farms in Ceará (in Icapuí) and in Rio Grande do Norte (in Mossoró), uses CMA-CGM to transport its cargo to Europe.

A source linked to the maritime sector said that the decision of the French company to consolidate its presence in the Port of Mucuripe would result in the decay of the Port of Natal, through which part of the exports of Rio Grande do Norte-produce fruits were being sent off.

Thus, CMA-CGM has paved the way to dominate the export cargo of fruits from Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte to Europe, both from Pecém and Mucuripe, the Port of Fortaleza.

In Pecém, Hamburg Sud, a company controlled by the world’s largest shipping company, the Danish giant Maersk, maintains its line connecting Pecém to ports in the United States and Canada.

Maersk left the Port of Pecém a little aside and is now investing in the competing Pernamuco-based port of Suape, which has lines to the European, North American, and Asian markets.

Source: Jornal Portuario

To read the original reporting, access: https://jornalportuario.com.br/interna/destaque-portuario/porto-do-fortaleza-ganha-aliado-importante-a-cma-cgm

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