Ports and Terminals

Port of Cabedelo gears up to receive larger vessels

Jan, 31, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202306

Paraíba-based Port of Cabedelo is investing in its expansion. The navigation channel, which is currently 9.14 meters deep and will be 11 meters deep, is one of the highlights of this process. With a nearly BRL 100 million investment, the work will enable the arrival of ships with a cargo capacity of 55,000 tonnes, 57% more than today.

The works were contracted in March last year by the State Government and performed by DTA Engenharia. With 60% completed, the expansion dredging should be completed this semester. According to Companhia Docas da Paraíba, the public port authority, the new dimensions of the waterway entrance will attract a more diverse range of cargo and operations to the maritime complex – including the arrival of cruise ships, which is under negotiation with MSC’s cruise division, one of the largest operating on the Brazilian coast.

Another highlight of the port’s current expansion phase is the installation of a dry dock, a bonded port terminal authorized by the Federal Revenue Service to receive export cargo for dispatch and import cargo while it is still in customs transit (before customs clearance).

The State Government and the company Agesbec are negotiating the unit’s installation. It should take place in the city of Caaporã, on the southern coast of Paraíba, 60 kilometers from Cabedelo, generating 224 direct jobs and an investment of R$ 20 million. A protocol of intentions between the state authority and the company was signed on the 16th.

According to Companhia Docas da Paraíba, the new unit will improve the port’s logistics, avoiding congestion in its access points and increasing its competitiveness.

Source: Porto de Cabedelo

To read the original reporting, please visit: https://portodecabedelo.pb.gov.br/2023/01/24/porto-de-cabedelo-se-prepara-para-receber-navios-maiores/

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