Portonave receives ISO 37001 certification
Ports and Terminals

Environmental license will allow entry of larger ships in the Navegantes Port

Feb, 01, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202306

On Tuesday afternoon, the 31st of January, Jorginho Mello, the governor of Santa Catarina, handed over the environmental license for the expansion of the pier at the Portonave port in the city of Navegantes. 

 The second largest container handler in Brazil is now preparing to receive larger ships.  The investment, according to the company, will be BRL 1 billion for the years 2023 to 2025.

 The objective is to prepare the Terminal to receive ships that are 400 meters in length.  Currently, ships up to 350 meters long and 48 meters wide can be received at the Terminal.

 The project previously had the Environmental Installation License (LAI) released for the work being done on the Pier in July of 2021, but a new request was made in July of 2022 due to the changes in methods for executing the project.  The new license allows for the continuing of the project along with the alterations.

 The president of the Environmental Institute, Sheila Meirelles, stated that all stages were fulfilled by the company that manages the port terminal.  “The license certifies Portonave’s compliance with the environmental requirements and they can proceed with the work on the pier, which is essential in modernizing the docking berths of the port terminal, as well as representing another step for our state towards social, economical and sustainable development”, highlighted the president of IMA.

 The work will be carried out in two phases, with preparation starting in the second half of 2023, on the east and west side of the pier, respectively. It is estimated to generate 500 new jobs over the next three years.

 The project will last thirty-eight and a half months, with an initial period of nine and a half months for mobilization, design and preliminary tasks.  The next twenty-seven months, construction of the pier will be carried out and in the final two months, the delivery and closing of the project.  Throughout the period, operations will be maintained with mooring adjustments in the docking berths, in order to receive all vessels.

 Source: Aconteceu em Joinville

To read the original report, visit: https://www.aconteceuemjoinville.com.br/licenca-ambiental-vai-permitir-entrada-de-navios-maiores-no-porto-de-navegantes/

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