Argentina carne de boi - Argentina beef

Turkey to receive 5 thousand live bulls from Brazil in the midst of post-earthquake chaos

Feb, 08, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202309

Next week, five thousand oxen leave for Turkey.

The line-up of the Port of São Sebastião confirms the arrival of the “live cargo” Queensland scheduled for the 9th and the animals should start heading down in the next two days to the North terminal on the coast of São Paulo.

It could be the resumption of a movement to export live cargo to the main buyer of this commodity, which was practically out of this market since the economic crisis in the country, from 2020 onwards, aggravated by the collapse of the Turkish lira at the beginning of next year.

The catastrophic situation in the Eurasian country, after the earthquake that also hit Syria, raises new uncertainties about this trade of live cattle.

In any case, this shipment had already been contracted and the purchase of Angus animals – all black calves – was noticed by several producers in the north of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.

They know the exporter, but asked not to divulge the name without his confirmation.

The Queensland, flying the Libyan flag, registered as “live cargo” by the port authority, is due to disembark at the Port of Iskenderun, on the Mediterranean coast, in the first week of March, amid what is still expected to be chaotic in Turkey.

Source: Money Times

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