
Secex: Trade balance has surplus of US$ 1.566 billion in the first two weeks of February

Feb, 14, 2023 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202307

The trade balance registered a surplus of US$ 1.566 billion in the first two weeks of February (eight working days), as informed this Monday (13) by the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (Secex/MDIC) .

The value is the result of exports of US$ 8.672 billion and imports of US$ 7.106 billion in the period. This year, the balance is in surplus at US$ 4.175 billion.

The daily average of exports at the beginning of February dropped 12.4%, when compared to February of the previous year, to US$ 1.084 billion. The decline was driven by shipments from the extractive industry (-30.2%), followed by agriculture (-27%). On the other hand, the manufacturing industry sold 0.7% more abroad, on average per day, in the period.

In regards to imports, there was a 10.6% drop in the daily average of February (US$ 888.26 million), when compared to the same period in 2022. The retraction was also driven by lower purchases by the extractive industry (-53.3 %), agriculture (-19.2%) and manufacturing industry (-5.1%).

Source: Valor Econômico
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