
Corn exports at Brazil’s Paranagua up 300% in January

Feb, 16, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202308

Corn exports through the ports of Paranagua and Antonina totaled 629.9 thousand tonnes, an increase of 388% compared to the same period last year, according to information from port authority Portos do Paraná.

Soybean exports decreased by 47%, totaling 346.8 thousand tonnes. Even so, the port was the main gateway for the oilseed in Brazil in January, ahead of the volumes handled in the ports of Rio Grande (263,365 tonnes), Salvador (71,396), and Vitória (56,180 tonnes).

With this scenario, solid bulk (corn) exports via the port of Paranagua grew 12.8%, reaching 1.2 million tonnes.

“The export demand for vegetable bulk has been high since the end of 2022.”We had no downtime in shipments through Paranagua’s Eastern Export Corridor this year,” says Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

Last month, the movement of trucks in the sorting yard of the port of Paranaguá reached the highest level since 2016. Approximately 29,600 vehicles were recorded at the site to unload soybeans, corn, and soymeal at the terminals in Pará. The record for the month was registered seven years ago, around 30,000 trucks. The number for 2023 is almost 15% higher than that recorded in 2022 when 25,800 carriers were welcomed.

Source: Valor Econômico

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