Ports and Terminals

Sugar shipments back to Port of Santos’ spotlight

Feb, 24, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202310

Sugar was the cargo that stood out the most at the Port of Santos in January, up 37.2% year-on-year, totaling 1.2 million tonnes. The commodity was the highlight among export cargoes, accompanied by corn, which also performed well, totaling 1.4 million, a growth of 43.2%. The performance of these goods increased the movement of solid bulk by 0.9%.

The overall movement in January was 10.1 million tonnes, a 4.7% decrease from the same month last year (10.6 million tons) when the January historical record was set. The drop was primarily caused by a 51% decrease in shipments from the soy complex and a 17.8% decrease in fertilizer arrivals. As a result, January/2023 is the second-best January result in the port’s history.

Shipments accounted for 6.8 million tonnes, down 4%, while landings totaled 3.4 million tonnes, down 6.1%.

Container handling totaled 352,855 TEU, a reduction of 8.1% over January of last year when the historical record for the month was recorded.

The flow of ships was399 vessels, 2.8% higher than in January 2022.

The participation of the Port of Santos in the Brazilian trade flow in the first month of the year was 27.6%. About 24.4% of transactions had China as a partner country. The State of São Paulo still has the largest share in commercial transactions with foreign countries through the Port of Santos, which reached 57.4%.

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