Petrobras; pre-salt production; produção no pré-sal

Petrobras starts selling lower sulfur content fuel at Port of Santos

Mar, 07, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202312

Petrobras started selling Ultra Low Sulfur Marine Gas Oil (ULSMGO) in the Port of Santos. The product has a maximum sulfur content of 0.1%, a low percentage required within emission control areas (ECAs), zones where the emission of sulfur oxides derived from fuel combustion is limited.

According to the company, ships on long-haul voyages to ports in these areas need to use the ULSMGO in their main engine. The new fuel is produced at the Presidente Bernardes refinery (RPBC) in Cubatão (SP).

Sandro Paes Barreto, Petrobras’ executive manager for the domestic market, stated in a note that “delivering this product with a lower sulfur content” at the Port of Santos is one of the initiatives put forward by the company to offer society products with a guarantee of lower emissions.

Up until recently, Petrobras sold Marine Gasoil (MGO) at the Port of Santos, a type of bunker oil used in auxiliary power generation or emergency systems on large ships. It is also used in the main engines of medium and small vessels, containing a maximum sulfur content of 0.5%.

By using Petrobras’ ULSMGO, shipowners can reduce sulfur oxide emissions, in addition to reducing the number of stops along ECAs for refueling, reducing cost and transit time.

Source: G1

To read the original report, please see:

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