exportações de trigo (wheat exports Argentina)

Wheat: record production could lead Brazil to be 10th largest exporter

Mar, 16, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202314

USDA estimates released last week indicate that record wheat production in Brazil (harvested in 2022) has been offsetting the lower availability of the product in Argentina, which, it should be noted, is the leading supplier of the cereal to the country. Furthermore, the high domestic output has even favored foreign sales of wheat, which should grow compared to the previous harvest and place the country as the 10th largest wheat exporter in the world.

In Brazil, the harvest ended in 2022, and Conab estimated production at 10.55 million tonnes, a record figure. Conab forecasts that, between August/22 and July/23, exports should reach 3.1 million tonnes, 1.8% above the previous harvest. As for cereal prices paid to producers, a survey by Cepea shows that they are falling in most regions monitored by the Research Center.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the original source material, go to: https://www.canalrural.com.br/radar/trigo-producao-recorde-pode-levar-brasil-a-ser-a-10o-maior-exportador/

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