Law enforcement called to action after ship changes route to abruptly dock in Maceió

Mar, 24, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202315

During the morning of the 24th, a Liberia-flagged ship docked at the Port of Maceió after deviating from its original route without warning, a maneuver considered suspicious by the Brazilian Navy, which called into action the country’s Federal Police, the Military Police, and local fire department for an inspection of the vessel.

The Military Police used sniffer dogs to inspect the ship for drugs. In addition, four divers from the Fire Department’s Water Rescue Group (GSA) used an inflatable boat to inspect the vessel’s hull. The Federal Police monitored the procedures.

“The Federal Police in the state of Alagoas contacted the Fire Department’s Water Rescue Group so that we could conduct a submerged inspection of the vessel so that our corporation’s rescue divers could verify any type of damage or malfunction that could justify the suspicion that the Brazilian Navy and the intelligence of the Federal Police initially had,” explained Fire Department Sergeant Rodolfo Marcelo.

According to information from the fire department, the crew said the ship headed to Maceió to complete a sugar shipment, though no one seemed to be aware.

Source: G1

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