licitação do Porto de Buenos Aires
Ports and Terminals

Government discloses details of Buenos Aires Port concession

Apr, 29, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201918

According to Nuestromar, the Argentine government is preparing to release the specifications of the tender for operating the Puerto Nuevo container terminal in Buenos Aires within a few weeks. The image below shows the plans which include building an extensive new quay.

In 2020, the Port of Buenos Aires will have just one concessionaire instead of its present model of three groups controlling five container terminals – DP World (Terminales Río de la Plata -TRP, which operate Terminals 1, 2 and 3), APM Terminals (Terminal 4) and Hutchinson Port Holdings – HPH, which operate Terminal 5). The auction winner will need to invest heavily in building the terminal to the specifications set by the government.

The plan is to revamp and redesign the entire port. The government intends to change the current “comb-shape” of the port to a more modern design to remain competitive against neighboring Port of Montevideo. Moreover, increasing the current draft is on the agenda to accommodate bigger vessels. Buenos Aires is responsible for 70% of the country’s container movements.

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