Ports and Terminals

Port of Suape Jan-Feb cargo throughput grows 10% to 4 million T

Apr, 12, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202318

The Port of Suape had a 10% growth in cargo throughput in the first two months of the year compared to the same period last year, totaling 4 million tonnes. It was Brazil’s fifth busiest public port (24.7 million tonnes in 2022). As a result of this good performance, there were 253 moorings in the period, 10% more than what was registered in January and February 2022. For example, the movement of liquid bulk (oil products) rose by 13.36%, and the transport of containerized cargoes by 6.82%.

Marcio Guiot, the CEO of Suape, notes that the administration expects growth to increase by 8% compared to 2022. “Oil derivatives continue to be our strongest segment, but we are working assiduously to broaden the range of cargoes, luring new players to Suape, an industrial port with a prime location and state-of-the-art facilities, capable of handling the most diverse types of cargo,” he says. Regarding handling liquid bulk, the dock takes the national lead, holding 72.1% of the total cargo volume in 2022.

The director of Port Management, Nilson Monteiro, adds that the continuous loading and unloading of cars is another operation that has stirred things at the port. The number of cars at The Vehicle Hub, which debuted in November 2021, increased by 10% from 2022 to 2021. He explains: “We handled 9,172 units in this period, including vehicles produced in Argentina and Uruguay and distributed by Suape to other Latin American nations and the United States.”


The shipment of bagged sugar to other states and countries is another operation that has been gathering momentum in Suape. The state-owned company moved 57% more of the product in the first two months of this year, or a total of 71 thousand tonnes.

The port

The four Liquid Bulk Piers (PGL) at the outer port are used to handle petroleum products. The Multipurpose Pier is being renovated to accommodate the LNG regasification operations and is also nearby. On the five quays of the internal port, two of which are bonded terminals leased to Tecon Suape, containerized goods and other types of cargo are operated.

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