Ports and Terminals

Itapoá port sees record 50,000 container throughput in March

Apr, 13, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202318

Porto Itapoá broke its container throughput record in March. In total, 51,615 container movements were recorded, outperforming July 2022, with 49,762 container operations. The month marked the end of a very productive quarter, with a total throughput of 138,255 containers, 14.5% more than the same period last year. In addition, the terminal broke several other records in the same period.

Container exports and imports at the Itapoá port | Jan 2019 – Feb 2023 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Reefer cargo

Exports of refrigerated cargo at Porto Itapoá also saw a record in March 2023. With 2,715 containers handled, it surpassed the mark of 2,550 in March 2014.

Such an achievement cements the terminal’s position as one of the most important in Brazil for the export of refrigerated cargo. “Today, we have 2,892 outlets dedicated to refrigerated containers, and we want to reach 5,000 in the future,” says Cássio Schreiner, president of Porto Itapoá.

According to the port’s president, the port’s infrastructure has drawn important service lines to the port, making it more significant in the national context. “We are Santa Catarina’s only port with Maersk’s Asas service. With this service, we offer the shortest import transit time to Asia among all ports in southern Brazil,” says the executive. In Brazil, this service only makes double calls in Itapoá and Santos.

Gate movements

The Itapoá port gate also saw new records. In March, 42,921 movements were registered, surpassing the number seen in August last year, 35,911, and the month also had a record for daily movement – 1,803 movements.

To read the original reporting, please check: https://omunicipiojoinville.com/economia-em-pauta-porto-itapoa-movimenta-mais-de-50-mil-conteineres-e-bate-recorde-de-operacao-em-marco/

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