licitação do Porto de Buenos Aires
Ports and Terminals

Buenos Aires Port licitation documents receive approval

May, 06, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201919

Argentina’s Ministry of Transportation has approved the Buenos Aires Port licitation documentation to allow national and international parties to bid to operate the port for the next 50 years. According to a government statement, the auction winner must continue the current port area expansion works and invest US$760m over the next ten years.

The launch of the tender for the port will be published on the Port of Buenos Aires and Ministry of Transportation websites. According to the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Dietrich, the renewal of port infrastructure will double the current cargo capacity and will have a flexible design, adaptable to market needs. The port will have new green spaces and recreational areas for the community.

The current expansion work has already added nine hectares for logistics operations in Dársena F and 15 hectares to the north side of the sixth pier to serve as an external terminal to receive larger vessels. In addition, the port is improving railway access and developing single access for trucks with improved waiting areas.

In 2020, the Port of Buenos Aires will have just one concessionaire instead of its present model of three groups controlling five container terminals – DP World (Terminales Río de la Plata -TRP, which operate Terminals 1, 2 and 3), APM Terminals (Terminal 4) and Hutchinson Port Holdings – HPH (Terminal 5). The auction winner will need to invest heavily in building the terminal to the specifications set by the government.

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