Sugar and Ethanol

Sugar: vessel line-up reveals 3490 mt in shipment projections

May, 29, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202322

According to a survey conducted by the maritime agency Williams Brasil, the number of ships waiting to transport sugar in Brazilian ports increased from 78 to 85 in the week ending on May 24.

The report indicates scheduled shipments of 3.490 million metric tonnes of sugar, compared to 3.439 million tonnes in the previous week.

Most of the sugar cargo (2.572 million tonnes) is expected to be loaded at the Port of Santos. Following that, the ports of Paranaguá in Paraná (856,633 tonnes) and Maceió in Alagoas (61,103 tonnes) are the next largest in terms of shipment volume.

See below the volume of sugar exported by Brazil month by month, from January 2020 to March 2023, according to the DataLiner data tool.

Brazilian sugar exports | Jan 2020 – Mar 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The exported sugar cargo includes the VHP variety (3.428 million tonnes), which refers to raw sugar, granulated B-150 (25,076 tonnes), and TBI brown sugar (36.8 thousand tonnes).

The agency’s report considers vessels already anchored, those offshore waiting to berth, and those expected to arrive by July 4.

Source: Canal Rural

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