Ports and Terminals

Agribusiness cargo yet again stands out in the Port of Santos

May, 29, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202322

Soybeans, pulp, citrus juices, and fertilizers are some of the most handled goods at the Port of Santos in April, a testament to the soundness of Brazilian agribusiness in international trade. Solid vegetable bulk cargo had a new record in the month with 7.6 million tonnes.

Regarding exports, soy reached 5.0 million tonnes, a 12.5% increase compared to last year, bringing the year-to-date total to 14.7 million tonnes (+5%). Pulp reached 663.9 thousand tonnes, a 6.2% rise from April last year, totaling 2.6 million tonnes in the first four months (+2.1%). Citrus juice shipments grew by 98.6%, reaching 241.9 thousand tonnes, resulting in a year-to-date total of 946.8 thousand tonnes (+28.3%).

Please find below the top ten exports of cargo registered at the Port of Santos in the first quarter of 2023 according to the DataLiner maritime information service.

Top exports from the Port of Santos | 1Q23 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Fertilizers dominated imports, totaling 670.8 thousand tonnes in April, a 4.1% increase compared to the same period in 2022.

This outcome contributed to a 4.9% increase in solid bulk movement (7.6 million tonnes), setting a record for April. Similarly, the performance of citrus juices played a crucial role in the 0.3% rise in liquid bulk (1.5 million tonnes).

Containerized cargo amounted to 393.1 thousand TEU in April, a 5.4% decrease from the previous year. It reached 1.4 million TEU year-to-date, an 8.7% drop compared to the first four months of 2022.

Sugar shipments declined by 11.3%, totaling 738.6 thousand tonnes. Year-to-date, the total reached 3.8 million tonnes (-8.3%).

Port operations in April saw 13.7 million tonnes, representing a 0.4% decrease compared to the fourth month of 2022. The year-to-date total adds up to 50.2 million tonnes, a 4.4% decrease compared to last year.

Ship movements reached 440 moorings in the month (+5.5%) and 1,722 in the four months (+4.1%).

Trade Flow

The Port of Santos’ contribution to Brazil’s trade flow increased, reaching 28.1% by April. Among the commercial transactions passing through the Santos port complex, 30.8% involved China as a partner country. São Paulo remains the state with the highest participation (54.7%) in commercial transactions with foreign countries through the Port of Santos.

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