total coffee exports

Brazil Exports 35.6 Million Bags of Coffee in 2022/23

Jul, 17, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202328

Brazil exported 35.626 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee to 117 countries in the 2022/23 crop year, down 10.2% from the 39.691 million bags exported between July 2021 and June 2022. The export revenue totaled US$8.135 billion, remaining virtually unchanged from the US$8.136 billion generated in the previous cycle. The data are part of the statistical report of the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council, Cecafé.

In the first half of 2023, coffee exports from Brazil reached 16.226 million bags and generated US$3.547 billion, presenting declines of 18.9% in volume and 23.8% in value.

The president of Cecafé also celebrates the stability of the export revenue with Brazilian coffee exports in the recently closed 2022/23 crop year. “Brazil is the country that most passes on the export price (Free on Board) FOB – the value quoted at the port of origin – to producers. In recent years, this index has been 85% for Arabica and 93% for Conilon, strengthening the concept of sustainable income for Brazilian coffee growers,” he explains.

The chart below shows Brazilian coffee exports (HS code 0901) between Jan 2019 and May 2023 measured in tonnes, according to the DataLiner data service.

Brazilian coffee exports | Jan 2019 – May 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Top Destinations

In the 2022/23 crop year, the United States was the main importer of Brazilian coffee, purchasing 6.857 million bags, a volume 13.8% lower than that recorded in the 2021/22 cycle. This amount is equivalent to 19.2% of the total Brazilian exports in the period.

With a 14.5% share, Germany purchased 5.165 million bags (-20.3%) and ranked second. Next comes Italy, with the import of 2.986 million bags (-4.8%); Japan, with 2.069 million bags (-4.7%); and Belgium, with 1.828 million bags (-42.6%).

From sixth to tenth place, however, the performance is positive. Colombia imported 1.738 million bags, expanding its purchases by 38.9% compared to the 2021/22 season, followed by Turkey, with 1.165 million bags (+18.6%); the Netherlands, with 1.023 million bags (+54.8%); Argentina, with 883.854 bags (+14.8%); and South Korea, with 870.446 bags (+12.4%).


The port complex of Santos (SP) was the leading exporter of Brazilian coffee in the 2022/23 coffee season, with the shipment of 27.296 million bags abroad, equivalent to 76.6% of the total. Next are the ports of Rio de Janeiro, which account for 18.6% of exports by sending 6.643 million bags, and Paranaguá (PR), with the export of 407.961 bags and representation of 1.1%.

Source: Cecafé

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