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Brazil ships the world’s first green lithium, produced in Minas

Jul, 27, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202331

This Thursday (7/27), Brazil shipped the world’s first green lithium, produced in the Jequitinhonha Valley, in Minas Gerais, from the Port of Vitória (ES). The production, by Sigma Lithium, is a pioneer for having raised the level of industrial sustainability by being triple zero (zero carbon, zero waste and zero harmful chemicals). Lithium is used in electric vehicle batteries.

To celebrate this first shipment, an event was held at Vports, Porto de Vitória, which was attended by the vice president of the Republic Geraldo Alckmin, the governors Romeu Zema, from Minas, and Renato Casagrande, from Espírito Santo.

The first export shipment consists of 15,000 tons of triple zero green lithium and 15,000 tons of high purity ultrafine by-products, a “green waste”, which will also be marketed by Sigma Lithium.

Sigma is currently working at 75% of its capacity in the Jequitinhonha Valley and expects to export 130,000 tons of green lithium and 200,000 tons of the by-product by the end of the year.

In 2024, the region will gain another two new industrial lines. And the company’s forecast is for over R$ 1 billion in investments in the next 12 months. In the last ten years, R$ 3 billion were invested.

Last Monday (24th), Sigma Lithium entered the Brazilian stock exchange to facilitate investment for Brazilian residents.

Source: O Tempo

To read the original article, visit: https://www.otempo.com.br/economia/brasil-embarca-o-primeiro-litio-verde-do-mundo-produzido-em-minas-1.3094596

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