Oil and Gas

Argentina ready to export first ever LNG cargo

May, 20, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201921

Argentina’s state-owned energy company YPF SA is seeking to sell a partial cargo from the Tango floating liquefaction unit (FLNG) in Bahía Blanca, driven by growing gas production at Vaca Muerta shale play. According to Mercopress, YPF is negotiating a 30,000 cubic meter shipment on a free-on-board basis.

Although the cargo size is smaller than a standard shipment, the country is on the verge of transitioning from one of the continent’s largest LNG importers to an exporter.

Argentina’s Energy Secretary said the country will export its first LNG cargo as early as August this year. YPF plans to produce as many as eight standard shipments per annum from the Vaca Muerta shale play.

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