Rosário recupera áreas de Zonas Francas de Bolívia e Paraguai
Ports and Terminals

Argentina: Rosario recovers Free Zones areas from Bolivia and Paraguay

May, 22, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201922

A joint effort between the Administrative Entity of the Port de Rosario (Enapro), the Argentine Chancellery, the Government of Santa Fe and the municipality of Rosario allowed the city to recover Free Zone land that had been ceded to neighboring countries, Bolivia and Paraguay four decades ago.

The buildings, located in a central area of ​​Rosario, very close to the Flag Monument, have now become a public space. Historic properties are part of the monumental urban area. The objective is that the national authorities authorize the non-port use of the land so that it can be transferred to the municipality.

The agreement signed with Paraguay is part of a series of bilateral commitments that the Argentine chancellor is encouraging to improve logistics and integration of production with the neighboring country.

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