Ports and Terminals

Ministerial Directive bans outsourcing security activities in Brazilian public ports

Sep, 08, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202337

On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Márcio França, the Minister of Ports and Airports, signed and published a Ministerial Directive (equivalent to an Executive Order in the United States) prohibiting the outsourcing of security and surveillance activities in public ports in Brazil. This decree exclusively assigns these services to the Port Guard, which, like the Port of Santos, was also under the threat of privatization by the previous Federal Government.

According to the minister’s directive, Port Authorities in Brazilian ports, including Santos, must ensure that all agents working in port security are part of the companies’ own port guard personnel by December 31, 2024.

The Port Guard will also be responsible for operating surveillance and monitoring systems, such as the Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS). Among the responsibilities determined in the directive is the training and education of all agents.

The National Ports Secretariat of the Ministry of Ports and Airports will also have to create a national benchmark for active identity cards and a unique emblem for the Port Guard.

The directive addresses demand from port guards, which is especially vocal in Santos, the largest contingent in Brazil, who feared being dismissed and replaced by outsourced security companies. Anderson Pomini, President of the Port Authority of Santos, praised the minister’s directive and stated, “The Port Guard of Santos welcomed me warmly, and I witnessed personally the amazing work they do. Congratulations to Minister Márcio França for recognizing this important category, which deserves to be preserved and its rights ensured. Brazilian ports need this specialized care.”

Minister Márcio França, during the inauguration of the Naval Inspection Bridge (PIN) in Ponta da Praia, Santos, had promised the port guards he would sign the directive, ensuring the preservation of the category and putting an end to the threat of outsourcing these vital services.

From Brasília, after attending the September 7th Parade (Brazilian Independence Day), the minister stated, “This is a specialized team of great value that provides unique and high-quality service in the Port of Santos and other organized ports in Brazil.”

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