Definition of Santos’ STS10 terminal size and bidding model in concluding stages
Sep, 08, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202337
The Santos Port Authority (APS), the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transportation, and the Ministry of Ports and Airports may define the size of the future STS10 terminal area and the bidding model as early as next week. This meeting, yet to be scheduled, was announced by APS President Anderson Pomini on Monday, September 4.
“We will have a slightly smaller STS10. We will hold a meeting in the coming days to decide on the format and size of STS10, considering the maintenance of Ecoporto and the transfer of Concais so that we can effectively advance the discussion around STS10 and the bidding model,” said Pomini.
The new format is expected to accommodate the need for the continued presence of Ecoporto, with space to accommodate cruise ships, as there is an intention to transfer the Passenger Terminal to the area of the old warehouses 1, 2, and 3, next to the future Valongo Park.
STS10 is included in the clustering goal of the Development and Zoning Plan (PDZ) of the Port of Santos. In June, APS reported that it was considering the possibility of a partial auction of the area. However, the decision lies with the Ministry of Ports and Airports.
Initially, the Port Authority studied two proposals involving STS10, which depended on negotiations with Ecoporto and Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP). One format was max, which covered the entire Saboó quay area, and another, smaller one, where the Ecoporto terminal is located.
In June, Pomini explained that the allocation of the area from warehouses 1 to 3 in Valongo to the Passenger Terminal depended on the contractual situation of Ecoporto. Once the provisional contract is signed, it would be possible to proceed with the negotiations to transfer the tourist facility, currently located in Outeirinhos – in the future, this area is expected to be dedicated to fertilizer operations.
At the time, he also explained that “the provisional contract allows the Ministry of Ports to plan the future of that area. We will resume dialogue with Concais to define the model, and from there, we will establish the compensation and counterparty criteria, taking into account that they have a contract with legal security, recently signed,” said the APS president at the time. Concais’ contract for terminal operation is valid until 2038.
Expansion Projects
APS also reported that the Port of Santos receives more than 5 million containers per year at private terminals and estimates that the current capacity is sufficient until 2030. Nevertheless, expansion projects for both BTP and Santos Brasil are pending approval at the competent levels, including the Ministry of Ports and Airports and the Federal Audit Court (TCU).
“The BTP contract is virtually renewed, pending only the TCU’s analysis, with favorable opinions from the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transportation, the Ministry of Ports and Airports, and the Port Authority. There is the possibility of densification of an area near BTP so that the terminal can make investments in the interest of the Port and expand container handling capacity.”
Regarding Santos Brasil, Pomini said that it was suggested that the company “study the possibility of densifying the Prainha area, considering the schedule for the transfer of 90 families” by the end of this month, with the “generation of suitable housing.”
“We are conducting an internal legal study so that Santos Brasil can densify and expand its container handling capacity. BTP will expand its area for container handling on the Right Bank and Santos Brasil on the Left Bank.”
Regarding port activity expansion, the APS president also highlighted the release of the Marimex area for the implementation of a rail balloon loop, the expectation of transferring Concais in three years, and the implementation of 16 docking berths in Largo Santa Rita by the Triunfo Group, whose processes are still pending with the granting authorities.
Source: A Tribuna
To read the original news report, please visit: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/definicao-sobre-formato-e-leilao-de-terminal-de-conteineres-pode-ocorrer-na-proxima-semana
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