Ports and Terminals

Itajaí-Açu Port Complex Halt Enters Second Week with Million-Dollar Losses

Oct, 20, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202340

The closure of the access channel to the Itajaí-Açu Port Complex in Itajaí and Navegantes completed its second week on the 18th, causing significant losses in maritime transportation. Unfavorable weather conditions in the state led to the temporary suspension of ship maneuvers. As of Friday, 37 vessels were unable to dock.

The closure took effect on the first Wednesday of this month (4th) when the Brazilian Navy decided intense rainfalls posed too much of a threat due to the fast currents it provoked. Consequently, ships have lined up offshore, awaiting clearance to dock.

According to the latest update from the port complex, 37 ships have been unable to reach the port, while an additional four remain anchored at sea. Furthermore, 12 are en route to Itajaí, which is expected to increase its queue.

According to estimates from the Itajaí Shipowners Union, each day of inactivity results in losses ranging from $30,000 to $50,000 for a single vessel, equivalent to R$252,000. These figures do not account for the broader sector-wide impact. At this point, losses have already reached the millions.

With the river’s water level still on high alert in Blumenau, measuring above 6 meters, and the situation remaining unnormalized, there is no forecast for the resumption of ship maneuvers in the ports.

Source: NSC Total

To read the original news text, please go to: https://www.nsctotal.com.br/noticias/com-perdas-milionarias-portos-de-itajai-e-navegantes-completam-duas-semanas-parados

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