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Ministry of Agriculture Launches Fertilizer Inspection Mission at Port of Paranaguá, Brazil

Oct, 26, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202343

From October 16th to October 20th, the Port of Paranaguá, one of Brazil’s main points of entry for fertilizers, hosted a task force of federal agricultural auditors from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa). The inspection mission’s objective was to oversee the importation of raw materials, storage, and production of fertilizer material in the region of Paranaguá.

See below the registered volume of fertilizer imports at the Port of Paranagua from Jan 2019 to Aug 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Fertilizer Imports at Paranagua Port | Jan 2019 – Aug 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The fertilizer inspection team reviewed 47 establishments around Paranaguá and collected 34 representative samples from 32 tons of fertilizers for analysis at the Federal Laboratories for Agricultural Defense (LFDA).

Of the products inspected, approximately 1,700 tons of fertilizers were temporarily held as a precautionary measure. Also, as a precautionary step, five establishments were temporarily suspended for necessary adjustments.

The task force consisted of nine federal agricultural auditors from five states, with the support of staff from the Federal Agriculture Superintendence (SFA-PR).

Mapa’s auditing actions aim to inspect and oversee the production, import, export, and trade of fertilizers, corrective agents, inoculants, biofertilizers, remineralizers, and plant substrates to ensure that these products meet the effectiveness required by rural producers and pose no risk to agricultural defense or public health.

Source: Mapa

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