licitação do Porto de Buenos Aires
Port Rankings

Bidding begins for the modernization of the Port of Buenos Aires

May, 30, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201923


The Port of Buenos Aires initiated a national and international public bidding process to find an operator for the port. The opening of the bidding process follows the approval of specifications by the Argentine Ministry of Transport.

The winning organization will be responsible for executing the expansion works that are already underway, representing an investment of US$760m in the first 10 years.

The Modernization Plan requires a total public and private investment of US$1,910m, consolidating the provision of port services for the next 50 years under one operator. The concessions of the three current operators will expire in May 2020.

Modernization of the port will double cargo handling capacity, improving regional connectivity.

On October 2, the bidding envelopes will be opened and the new operator’s concession will begin in December 2019.

The Port of Buenos Aires intends “to optimize national logistics, through a competitive port, that will have the capacity to receive larger ships and with lower costs”.

Modernization plan

According to the port, “the refurbished area will have a flexible and modern layout, capable of adapting to market needs over the next 50 years, and will double the current cargo handling capacity, taking into account environmental and quality standards.”

Once the concessionaire for the Port of Buenos Aires has been chosen, as it will be a single operator, the maximum tariffs will be established in the contract to ensure greater transparency and competitiveness.

Source: Portal Portuário

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