
Bulk carrier with rigid sails berths in Brazil for the 1st time

Nov, 27, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202343

The Port of Tubarão, located in Greater Vitória, saw, on the 22nd, the inaugural voyage of the Berge Olympus, a bulk carrier designed for the transport of dry bulk goods. This marked the first time a Brazilian port received this vessel. What sets this mode of transportation apart is that it is adapted and equipped with four rigid, wind-assisted sails.

The rigid sails, known as BARTech WindWings, harness wind energy to reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, aiming to be more environmentally friendly. Each sail on the ship has an aerodynamic span of 37.5 meters in height and 20 meters in width.

The ship is expected to save around six tons of fuel per day on an average global route, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 19.5 tons per day.

Departing from China on October 1, this vessel is bound for a return journey to the Asian country. The loading process takes an average of 24 hours.

This ship’s project was developed by Berge Bulk, a shipping company contracted by Vale for ore transportation.

Source: G1

Click here to access the original text in Portuguese: https://g1.globo.com/es/espirito-santo/noticia/2023/11/22/video-navio-com-velas-rigidas-atraca-pela-1a-vez-em-portos-brasileiros.ghtml

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