Oil and Gas

Petrobras to begin tests on new low-sulphur maritime fuel in June

Jun, 03, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201923


Petrobras announced that it will run tests starting in June to prepare its refineries to meet the low-sulfur limit proposed by the International Maritime Organization in 2020. It issued a statement saying, “During the testing period, the marine fuels to be presented in the Port of Santos will likely contain a lower viscosity.”

The use of lower-sulfur fuels – the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has limited the sulfur content in the fuel used by ships to 0.5% starting January 1st, 2020, for vessels that do not have an exhaust gas cleaning system. This has caused the shipping industry’s fuel prices to rise.

Currently, fuel sulfur content is 3.5%. This represents a new challenge for ship-owners throughout the world, who must figure out how to deal with this new policy.

The shipping companies hope the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will extend the deadline for this adjustment. Fuel prices will affect end consumers and other services, but change is essential to help preserve the oceans.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News


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