Ports and Terminals

Grain exports from Brazilian Amazon to reach 55 million tonnes in 2023

Dec, 11, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202346

Grain exports through Amazon-based ports reached 51 million tonnes by November 31st, 2023, according to data released by the Association of Port Terminals and Cargo Transshipment Stations of the Amazon Basin (Amport).

The association forecasts that the total volume will reach 55 million tonnes by the end of the year, representing a 32.5% growth compared to 41.5 million tonnes in 2022. This region accounted for 51% of the total agricultural cargo movement in Brazilian ports in the previous year.

Flávio Acatauassú, president of Amport, emphasized that despite adverse weather conditions such as drought, port throughput increased by 22%. He notes that the drought affected operations, limiting the cargo flow, but stresses that there was no financial loss.

Until the first semester, before the dry season, port terminals associated with Amport recorded a growth of 35%, according to information from the association.

Source: Pensar Agro

Click here to read the original text: https://pensaragro.com.br/exportacoes-pela-amazonia-devem-fechar-o-ano-em-55-milhoes-de-toneladas/#c8053af1-373b-494f-812e-7ddc01bbf660

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