açúcar / sugar
Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos sugar exports go up 5% in 2023

Dec, 19, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202346

Sugar exports shipped from the Port of Santos exceeded 19.8 million tonnes between January and November this year, marking a 5% increase compared to the cargo movement observed in the same period in 2022, which was 18.8 million tonnes. These figures are reported in the Online Statistics system of the Port Authority of Santos.

The Port of Santos handled 157.9 million tonnes from January to November, with 118.6 million tonnes in exports. Sugar represents 16.7% of the total exported during this period and is the third principal cargo handled throughout the year, following soybeans (29.9 million tonnes) and other commodities (26.9 million tonnes). Sugar surpassed corn (18.5 million tonnes) and soybean meal (8.7 million tonnes).

Regarding the nature of the cargo, out of the 19.8 million tonnes shipped, 17.5 million tonnes of the product were solid bulks, 2.1 million tonnes were containerized cargo, and 210.7 thousand tonnes were general cargo.

The chart below shows sugar exports, both in containers and in bulk, exported from Jan 2019 and Oct 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Containerized Sugar | Port of Santos | Jan 2019 – Oct 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Sugar Exports in Bulk | Port of Santos | Jan 2019 – Oct 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The president of APS, Anderson Pomini, stated in a note, “The superior result compared to last year proves that the Port of Santos has invested in evolution, such as in hyperlocal forecasting technology, which predicts localized precipitation with great precision. This allows taking advantage of rain-free windows even during a rainy season. It also proves our potential for expanding port services efficiently.”

APS added to the report that “during periods of firm weather, a joint effort has been made to speed up shipments and the release of loaded ships at the terminals, as well as the organization of the entry and exit convoys of ships.”


More than ten terminals handle sugar in the Santos complex. Epsa, from CLI, led shipments this year, with 7.1 million tons, followed by Copersucar (4.6 million tonnes), Tiplam (3.9 million tonnes), Teag (1.9 million tonnes), BTP (1.6 million tonnes), Santos Brasil (308.1 thousand tonnes), NST (200.1 thousand tonnes), DP World Santos (186.7 thousand tonnes), Ecoporto Santos (76.8 thousand tonnes), Localfrio (9.7 thousand tonnes), and others (9.2 tonnes).

According to APS’s statistical survey, in November, sugar also ranked third among the main cargoes handled, with 2.49 million tonnes, exceeding 2.2 million tonnes in 2022, trailing only corn (3.6 million tonnes) and other goods (2.54 million tonnes).

Source: A Tribuna

Click here to access the original text in Portuguese:  https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/porto-de-santos-registra-aumento-de-5-nas-exportacoes-de-acucar-em-2023

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