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Egypt opens market for Brazilian hatching quail eggs

Dec, 28, 2023 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202347

The Egyptian government approved the import of hatching quail eggs and day-old quails produced in Brazil, said the Brazilian Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock and Foreign Affairs in a joint statement this Wednesday (27). According to the release, negotiations for this market opening intensified after a joint mission by the two ministries to African countries in December.

This year, Egypt opened its market for imports of several Brazilian products – gelatin and collagen, cotton lint, and, more recently, fish and its byproducts. Another Arab country, Algeria, announced in October the opening of its market to Brazilian poultry.

Data from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services of Brazil showed that year to date through November, the country exported USD 2.08 billion to Egypt and imported USD 468 million. The main products shipped to the North African nation were sugar, maize, iron ore, beef, and poultry. The main Brazilian imports from Egypt were fertilizers.

Source: ANBA

Click here to read the article: https://anba.com.br/en/egypt-opens-market-for-brazilian-hatching-quail-eggs/

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