Other Cargo

25 thousand kg of native wood seized in the Port of Pecém

Jan, 02, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202401

Customs inspection efforts at the Pecém Port, initiated on December 29, led the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service to uncover an illegal export attempt of  25,000 kilograms of Ipê wood from the Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nichols species.

Upon request, the Federal Revenue Servicer requested assistance from the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), revealing that the wood lacked a valid environmental license and pertained to a native species with prohibited exploitation and exportation.

Originating from the state of Pará, the cargo was destined for the United States. Following the seizure, the Federal Revenue Service handed over the cargo to Ibama, which will take the necessary legal measures in response.

The Federal Revenue Service plays a crucial role in preventing the illegal exportation of wildlife and flora, aligning with Ibama’s responsibilities for environmental monitoring, regulatory enforcement, and assistance in environmental emergencies.

Source: O Povo

Click here to read the original news piece: https://www.opovo.com.br/noticias/ceara/2023/12/30/25-mil-kg-de-madeira-nativa-sao-apreendidos-no-porto-do-pecem.html

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