concessão do canal do Porto de Santos
Port Rankings

Bid launched to receive donations for studying Santos canal concession

Jun, 11, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201925

Today (June 11), Santos Port Authority launched a bid to receive donations in the form of projects, surveys, investigations and technical studies on a model to use in providing a concession for the Port of Santos access channel. This is the first step towards a possible concession, an initiative considered essential for increasing the port’s efficiency.

The port authority will not incur any cost of the studies and will not be required to use them. “The intention is that it be a democratic way of structuring the concession so that the bid is launched as close as possible to what the port and community need,” said the CEO of the Port Authority, Casemiro Tércio Carvalho. The interested parties have 30 calendar days to request authorization to prepare the studies and another 100 days to submit them to the Port Authority.

The company expects to launch the bid for the channel concession in 2020, which is expected to cover activities such as dredging for maintenance and increasing the draft of the channel, evolution basins and mooring berths, tugboat services, environmental monitoring and remediation, and emergency responses amongst other things.


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