portos da Bahia (Codeba)
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Port of Salvador shows steady growth in Bahia state throughput in ten years

Feb, 28, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202409

The Port of Salvador saw 5.5 million tonnes in cargo throughput in 2023,  a nearly 5% increase compared to 2022. This volume represents 43.2% of the total throughput in public ports across Bahia.

The following chart compares container exports and imports between January 2022 and December 2023 at the Port of Salvador, according to the DataLiner maritime intelligence service by Datamar.

Salvador Port | Exports and Imports | Jan 2022 – Dec 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Over the past decade, between 2013 and 2023, while the Port of Aratu remained stagnant, Tecon/Salvador boosted its share in total port activity by 5 percentage points. Aratu saw a proportional decrease in its throughput.

The Port of Aratu handled 6.6 million tonnes in 2023, a 4.8% decline from 2022. This mirrors the port’s activity level seen in 2014, a sign of lack of investment and stagnation.

Meanwhile, the Port of Ilhéus experienced growth during the same period, with cargo handling increasing to 556,000 tons, a 38% rise.

Overall, the public ports of Bahia—Salvador, Aratu, and Ilhéus—under the administration of Codeba (Bahia Dock Company), had a 12.7 million tonnes throughput in 2023, a modest 0.7% increase compared to 2022, primarily driven by the performance of Tecon/Salvador.

Private terminals, according to data from Codeba, handled 26.1 million tonnes between January and November 2023, almost matching the volume of 2022.

Source: Bahia Econômica

Click here to read the original news report: https://bahiaeconomica.com.br/wp/2024/02/27/porto-de-salvador-cresce-e-amplia-sua-participacao-na-movimentacao-portuaria-da-bahia-porto-de-aratu-se-mantem-estagnado-veja-os-numeros/

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