Ports and Terminals

Court orders resumption of OSX payments to Açu Port

Feb, 29, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202409

The Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice has granted an injunction suspending a contract between Eike Batista’s OSX and Açu Port for up to 60 days—or until a formal trial is instituted.

The decision ends the payment suspension for OSX’s right to use the port area until the Rio de Janeiro Court issues a definitive decision.

Açu Port argued that the suspension would harm its financial interests, while Eike’s company, which filed for bankruptcy protection for a second time, contended that the measure was necessary to ensure the continuity of its activities during the restructuring process. OSX declined to comment.

Source: Revista Veja

Click here to read the original report: https://veja.abril.com.br/coluna/radar-economico/justica-determina-retomada-de-pagamentos-de-aluguel-da-osx-ao-porto-de-acu

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