Trade Regulations

Brazil Launches ePhyto to Streamline Plant Product Exports

May, 09, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202419

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, introduced the electronic phytosanitary certificate (ePhyto) on Wednesday (8) to enhance Brazilian exports of plant-based products. The certificate, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), aims to simplify and expedite the bureaucratic processes involved in the international trade of such goods.

Fávaro emphasized the significance of the certificate, labeling it as the “passport” of merchandise, ensuring product health across international borders. “We are modernizing this process to make it more efficient, eliminating the need for paper and stamps. As I always emphasize, the legacy I aim to leave behind is that of a contemporary ministry,” stated Minister Fávaro. “Our efforts are directed towards easing the lives of our citizens and fostering opportunities,” he added.

Apart from modernizing Brazil’s phytosanitary certification system, the adoption of ePhyto enhances certificate security and authenticity, fostering greater trust among stakeholders.

Carlos Goulart, Secretary of Agricultural Defense, underscored the initiative’s commitment to excellence and innovation in agricultural defense, aiming to bolster Brazil’s position in the global market. “Upon completion of document issuance in Brazil, the destination’s phytosanitary authority will receive the information, enabling pre-inspection documentation analysis even before the goods arrive,” explained Goulart.

Presently, over 70 countries are engaged in exchanging certificates through the ePhyto solution, with Brazil, as a major global exporter, joining this network.

The Phytosanitary Certificate serves as the official document certifying the quality and pest/disease-free status of plant products, crucial for safeguarding agriculture and the environment in importing nations.

Understanding ePhyto

ePhyto, short for “electronic phytosanitary certificate,” is a widely adopted electronic tool in global market commercial transactions. Developed by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the tool aims to streamline the phytosanitary certification process.

Electronic certification digitizes Phytosanitary Certificate information, enabling the exchange of standardized data swiftly and cost-effectively compared to traditional methods.

In Brazil, data for ePhyto issuance is collected from various systems integrated into the single foreign trade portal.

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